Elizabeth C. Hechtman, MS, CPCC, PCC

Personal & Professional Leadership Coaching

Individual & Group Coaching  |  Customized Workshops & Training
Testimonials with a “read more…”

“She continues to teach me how to achieve anything I want to achieve, be anyone I want to be no matter how many people say it can’t be done. I’m learning how to be closer to my girlfriend, build my business, have better friendships and be more creative.”

“My life is completely different and so much more abundant than I could ever have imagined. The family, friends, dog and cat are still here, and now my career is headed in the direction I wanted. I also have a very special and loving relationship.” Read more…


Client Testimonials

My thanks to this selection of clients who describe their unique, personal experiences with life leadership coaching. It is my extreme privilege and honor to work with you.

Alison Rooney
Owner, Alison Rooney Communications
“Jane Doe”
Investment Manager, Fortune 100 Company
Allison Aboud Holzer
Professional Career and Life Coach
Ed Spitzberg
Executive Director, Sitar Arts Center
Emily Wiley
Essayist, Commentator (All Things Considered) & Teacher
Jennifer Worick,
New York Times best-selling author, lecturer, and consultant
Karen Deaver
Writer & Educator
Sacha Adorno
Communications Professional
Rodney Whittenberg
Emmy Award Winning Composer & Filmmaker
Emily Nussdorfer, MA DTR
Director, Moving Creations Inc

Alison Rooney

Owner, Alison Rooney Communications
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

I have worked with Elizabeth Hechtman for the past twelve years. Our work has guided and transformed all major aspects of my life. In that time I grew from a young professional fresh out of college with an entry-level job to a thirty-something entrepreneur. I feel uniquely qualified to discuss her abilities, as she basically worked with me as I went through the painful transformation of emotional maturity. With her support I started my own business at age 28 and have continued to build it over the course of the past six years. Her professional judgment and insight, combined with her complex understanding of the pitfalls and vulnerabilities of women in business have made her a critical advisor to me—professionally as well as emotionally—in more ways than I can recount.

But perhaps the most dramatic result of our hard work together over the past decade has been my ability and willingness to create and sustain a romantic relationship with a man that is deep, close, honest, and meaningful to me. I began working with Elizabeth after a breakup at age 23, and her guidance and challenging support has enabled me to grow past my fantasies of men I wanted but couldn’t have, or could have but didn’t want. I can now honestly say that Elizabeth has taught me how to love men, by encouraging me to become a woman who’s willing to confront my own limitations and hang-ups instead of blaming them, being content to become devastated and embittered, or cutting and running.

Michael Patrick King, executive producer of the show Sex and the City, says repeatedly in the DVD commentaries that what makes the show so honest and real is that they always made sure to reveal how Carrie and her friends were themselves at fault for most of their serious mishaps with the men in their lives. The men were not to be blamed entirely. For some reason this is an extremely difficult realization to integrate in life, especially as an educated, independent, strong-willed, ambitious, and outspoken woman. Elizabeth Hechtman has shown me the way to a more sophisticated self-knowledge that has allowed me to choose a good man who sees me for who I am and loves me in ways that used to make me uncomfortable. What’s more, I’ve learned to trust myself to hold on when it gets rocky. The loneliness and alienation that has disappeared from my life, now that I’ve embraced this way of being, has changed my daily existence and emotionality more than I can say. I always wanted it, but genuinely didn’t know I could have it.

I continue to struggle with issues that she raised during our very first conversation, when she told me that I seemed like a very good “doer” but that it seemed we needed to help me be a better dreamer.

I admire her immensely not only as a helping professional but as a woman, a friend, a businessperson. Since I began working with her, I have referred at least seven other women to her (and one ex boyfriend!), almost all of whom continue to work with her, incorporate her guidance into building their lives, and sing her praises. I am chief among them.



“Jane Doe”

Investment Manager, Fortune 100 Company
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


My coaching work with Elizabeth Hechtman has enabled me to create many of the things I have wanted in my life – a supportive romantic relationship, expanded personal life – but the one thing that comes to the forefront is her unique ability to strategize for women in the corporate setting. Women have special issues in corporate settings in terms of leadership, and I have never come across anyone better at guiding women’s careers. She “sees” what I do not see. As long as I work in a corporate environment, I will continue to be her client.



Allison Aboud Holzer

Professional Career and Life Coach
New Haven, Connecticut


When I hired Elizabeth a few years ago, I was in a huge funk. I felt frustrated with the professional choices I had made in my life so far, and trapped by my circumstances to make any changes. Elizabeth empowered me to own my unique leadership skills, let go of regrets, and move forward into my new career that I consider a calling! What’s funny is that my heart knew all along what I really wanted; I just didn’t allow myself to have it. Elizabeth’s patience, quirky humor, empathy and faith helped me chip away at my disempowering beliefs, replacing them with my heart’s truth. I now know what kind of impact I can have in the world, how I stand as a leader, and what direction I’m propelling towards!



Ed Spitzberg

Executive Director, Sitar Arts Center
Washington, D.C.



Sometimes we need someone who asks the right questions. Sometimes we need someone who gives the right answers. Elizabeth does both, all while getting me to think deeply and intentionally about both questions and answers to the daily challenges I may face. This process helps me not only with the specific issues we discuss, but prepares me for new challenges as they come up.



Emily Wiley

Essayist, Commentator (All Things Considered) & Teacher
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

New York, New York


Coaching from Elizabeth is deeply moving. She inspires and supports, and I feel myself hurtling forward from her light push in a direction that feels like it’s uniquely mine. That vector is one she has helped me pick out of the myriad tangled threads of my life; this time with her is an experience not unlike seeing the constellations for the first time, glowing out of the mess and mass of stars. And she and I continue to navigate together, session by session. Lucky me.



Jennifer Worick,

New York Times best-selling author, lecturer, and consultant
Seattle, Washington


During my two-plus years working with Elizabeth Hechtman, I’ve seen my writing, consulting, and lecturing business expand as I’ve defined my work and become more confident in asking for what I’m worth. I’ve faced down my crippling relationship with money, created a short- and long-term business and financial plan, and let my emotionality become a source of strength rather than paralysis. This is all due to my work with Elizabeth. She somehow senses the most effective approach in every session, be it kicking my ass, showing me kindness, or sussing out underlying stressors and issues. I know I’m on a journey and far from my destination, but I am now firmly on the road to professional and personal fulfillment and success, a map in hand, with Elizabeth guiding the way.



Karen Deaver

Writer & Educator
Princeton, New Jersey


When I called Elizabeth Hechtman for the first time I had a few dreams and several choices before me with little idea as to what direction my life should take. I felt pressure to make the right choices for my own well-being as well as my family’s, and nebulous guilt and anxiety about all of it. This cluster of confusion was disabling, eating away at my identity, my confidence, and my groundedness as a mother, partner, and as a woman who works outside the home.

Elizabeth was recommended to me by a friend, who had told me that Elizabeth wouldn’t pull any punches, that she was direct and honest and would expect me to be the same. I was looking forward to that, as I wasn’t sure if I was too wrapped up in myself to see clearly. I was a tad nervous and hopeful, too, fearing she would tramp on my dreams and desires while simultaneously hoping she would alleviate me of them. During our first conversation, it became clear that Elizabeth would do neither; rather, her mission was to find practical ways for me to identify, and then attain my goals. Almost immediately, she helped me to cut through my confusion to locate the fact that what I want most is to be a working writer, which was not an easy thing for me to say out loud.

Since I began speaking with Elizabeth almost eight months ago, I no longer flinch at the concept of the identity I wish to carve out for myself; instead, I’ve begun to take on the actions of a person who writes. Simple enough, perhaps, but despite the resource I can claim of multiple friendships with astute, encouraging, and attentive souls, including my husband, I had not until I met Elizabeth been able to successfully differentiate between my actual abilities, dreams, and the “gremlins,” or, the negative internal voices that had been so disabling.

With an unusual combination of experience (one quickly gets that Elizabeth has pretty much heard it all), humor, intelligence, an assertive-with-a-kid-glove desire to rip off the veil of self-delusion, and an uncanny intuition, Elizabeth manages to both listen and guide, direct and invite. One of the many gifts I’ve received thus far is her admission that if we, Americans, realized that life is not meant to be struggled through alone, that life in fact works best when we work through our dreams and goals and problems together, she would be out of a job. The gift was real: a sense that by heeding my own intuition to call her for help was the first, and most vital, step to self-realization.



Sacha Adorno

Communications Professional
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


When I started working with Elizabeth two years ago, I thought I knew and lived with abundance. I had a loving family, a busy career, an adorable and adored dog and cat, and meaningful friendships of many years. I had no idea how much I didn’t know.

I came to Elizabeth wanting to change my career and life’s path. Two and a half years later, my life is completely different and so much more abundant than I could ever have imagined. The family, friends, dog and cat are still here, and now my career is headed in the direction I wanted. I also have a very special and loving relationship. But the abundance of today has an added depth and joy. My life is full of a new kind of plenty because I am learning to lead it. To take it in the direction I want it to go and reap the rewards of my work and struggles to live with intention and purpose. Relationships with friends, family — and even the dog and cat – are stronger and more honest. I live much more in the moment with the people in my life and even with myself. And I am learning to lead these moments so they are full of compassion, honesty, and possibility.

In some sense, to put it simply, Elizabeth has helped me – through challenging and compassionate coaching – to get out of my own way and silence the internal voices that have always held me back. I’m learning to experience life as a journey, with Elizabeth as the person on that journey who guides me to the next marker, sometimes by telling me where to go but more often by helping me uncover my own potential to find the way. By working with Elizabeth, I’ve become more empowered to walk towards the things that I fear most – and eventually to walk right past them into the life I envision for myself. To me this is a life overflowing with abundant possibility, hope, and meaning.



Rodney Whittenberg

Emmy Award Winning Composer & Filmmaker
Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania



In 1986 I was a 22-year-old black middle class musician who had just dropped out of collage. Camille Paglia, my writing teacher, told me my lyrics sucked and I was disconnected from my emotions. My white Jewish girlfriend was leaving for Hollywood to be an assistant editor on a film that would go on to win an academy award. My hair was relaxed, cut in a 5” high purple Mohawk. I wore eyeliner and a big hoop earring with tight leather pants and black boots. I played guitar and bass in my rock band. I was not speaking to my father. I wondered people thought I was gay when I walked down the street. I was drinking too much and I didn’t realize there were sunny days.

This person began working with Elizabeth. With her guidance I learned I was having normal responses to an insane world. Over many years she has been a mentor, a teacher a healer, financial advisor, mother, father and friend. She has taught me how to be confident. How to be all I could be; how to grow and develop into the man I was afraid to be. She continues to teach me how to achieve anything I want to achieve, be anyone I want to be no matter how many people say it can’t be done. I’m learning how to be closer to my girlfriend, build my business, have better friendships and be more creative. Everything I have, everything I am is because of working with Elizabeth. I have literally grown up through our relationship.

Today I’ve traded in my Mohawk for dreadlocks. I’m a healthy 44 year-old award-winning composer. I have an 11-year relationship with a woman I love. I’ve been working on myself with Elizabeth for 22 years and the story isn’t over yet. I have more to do, more to have, more to learn, more to give, and my mentor and friend and coach Elizabeth Henchman will help me find my way.



Emily Nussdorfer, MA DTR

Director, Moving Creations Inc.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



Coaching with Elizabeth has been for me a steady experience of growing empowerment. From the beginning she created an atmosphere in which I deeply trusted that I would be safe to take a journey of deep personal change – and inspired me with confidence that with her support – I could reach my financial and personal goals.

She helped me find ways to heal my extreme physical weakness and go through and transform tremendous emotional grief in a few months time – I am now steadily improving my health and inner peace. She is now guiding me to develop more financial stability, and emotional stability and groundedness in relationships with men.

She is also guiding me on my biggest journey of all, which is public speaking with my visionary ideas. I do well on the radio, just not always so well in front of people. Anxiousness sets in. I feel confident that with her help, I will surmount this obstacle in myself.

She holds space, supports and challenges me to grow stronger, and more stable and more capable of being able to hold the power of the dreams that I wish to achieve and stay balanced at the same time.

What is so helpful about her method with me is that she meets me where I am and is invested in supporting me in getting to my strength and living from that place of power in myself – overcoming real life obstacles in my way- step by step. Her coaching is not overwhelming; it is positively challenging, inspiring and transformational.

With the structure of her support, a stable inner foundation to hold the change I want to manifest in me is forming. I feel the firmness and stability of this new foundation, and feel inspired and positive that I can in a pragmatic, step-by-step way – achieve my dreams and live in them in a powerful, stable and balanced way.


On Leadership…
“The process of becoming a leader is the same process that makes a person a healthy, fully integrated human being.”

– Warren Bennis