Elizabeth C. Hechtman, MS, CPCC, PCC

Personal & Professional Leadership Coaching

Individual & Group Coaching  |  Customized Workshops & Training


(ANCHORS FOR EACH FAQ that go down the page.)

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“The one thing that comes to the forefront is her unique ability to strategize for women in the corporate setting.”
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“Perhaps the most dramatic result of our hard work together over the past decade has been my ability and willingness to create and sustain a romantic relationship with a man that is deep, close, honest, and meaningful to me.”
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On Leadership…
“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt

How Life Leadership Coaching Works — FAQs


How do coaching sessions work?
How does group coaching work?
How long is the process?
Is my participation confidential?
What is my investment?
Is coaching worth the investment?
Why can’t I just become a leader on my own?
Is there anyone for whom life leadership coaching is not appropriate?


How do coaching sessions work?

Elizabeth customizes her approach to your unique individuality and goals. Sessions are based on a continual process of assessment, goal setting, action steps and back to assessment. You can choose to work individually or as part of a group.

To accomplish the most in what we all know to be “too little time” coaching takes place via telephone from the comfort of your home, office or other quiet, uninterrupted space. Individual sessions are optimal when they occur three times a month. Groups meet 48 weeks per year. We’ve found that these frequencies allow us to properly track and support the implementation of your plans.

How does group coaching work?

Group coaching is done by teleconference, and meets weekly, for 90 minutes per call (48 times per year). Each group is mixed age, gender and race. The commitment is open-ended in the same manner as individual coaching.

Elizabeth’s Master’s Degree in Group Dynamics coupled with 25 years experience assures that every client has the opportunity to grow in unimaginable ways through her skilled leadership. The overall aim of group coaching is for clients to achieve the goals that brought them to coaching while simultaneously helping other group members fulfill their goals. This structure creates an enormous opportunity for growth and learning.

Some advantages of group coaching include creation of a support system, deep self-awareness, a safe environment for experimenting, multiple perspectives and passive learning. Participants focus on important goals, how to achieve them and accountability. The group celebrates success and rolls up their sleeves to explore short falls thus reducing time and energy while expanding options. Members learn to control emotions such as anxiety, sadness and anger, as well as how to alleviate stress, pain, and misery. They grapple with empowerment, life meaning, success and abundance. Finally they are continually practicing the skills they’re learning within the group in the various environments of their lives outside the group.

How long is the process?

This is a life-changing process, not a quick fix. The longer you commit to life leadership coaching the more you’ll benefit. Some clients make coaching an integral part of their life. People and their situations continue to change and new challenges arise. But perhaps right now, you are only seeking help for a specific situation. That’s fine. We recommend nine to eighteen months in order to see lasting change. There is no pressure. We honor your needs.

Is my participation confidential?

Yes. The information you share with Elizabeth stays between the two of you in the strictest confidence. Your free, no obligation conversation will also be kept in confidence.

What is my investment?

You may already invest in yourself by driving a safe car, eating smart or budgeting your finances. But hiring Elizabeth could be the best investment you ever make. Independent studies have shown the average return on investment in coaching exceeds 500 percent, with a 98.5 percent overall client satisfaction rate. That’s incredible. Cost varies according to the amount of time requested and your coach’s level of experience.

Elizabeth is highly skilled with more than 20 years experience. She trained and received certification with the prestigious Coaches Training Institute. She holds advanced certification with the International Coaches Federation and a Master’s of Science degree in Group Process. She has a proven track record of helping her clients achieve great results.

Some clients work with Elizabeth in a very focused manner, on very specific issues for six months and then are done. Others work with her for many years because they find it adds tremendous value to their life and work.
Coaching is about making lasting changes. Changing takes time. Don’t short change yourself. As you are budgeting and considering this commitment, please allow nine to eighteen months. If, for whatever reason, it isn’t working for you, there is no obligation to continue.

Is coaching worth the investment?

In Elizabeth’s experience her clients that show up, roll up their sleeves and commit to the process of their own growth create amazing results.

According to a study done by the Manchester Group, benefits from coaching include:
Improved Relationships 77%
Improved Teamwork 67%
Improved Job Satisfaction 61%
Improved Productivity 53%
Improved Quality 48%
Coaching will also benefit your company. According to the research findings of Matrix Global, one Fortune 500 company experienced a 529 percent return on investment and significant intangible benefits to the business. The financial benefits from employee retention boosted the overall ROI to 788 percent.

Why can’t I just become a leader on my own?

Even the most self-motivated person with the best intentions will get stuck in the challenges of daily life and work. The consistent, objective support of a professional life coach who holds you accountable can make all the difference.

Is there anyone for whom life leadership coaching is not appropriate?

Elizabeth believes everyone can benefit from life leadership coaching. However, it is not a replacement for mental health therapies. Some individuals may need to work through emotional or biochemical issues before coaching would be appropriate or meaningful. Elizabeth can help determine if life leadership coaching is for you during your free, no obligation consultation.