Elizabeth C. Hechtman, MS, CPCC, PCC

Personal & Professional Leadership Coaching

Individual & Group Coaching  |  Customized Workshops & Training


Client Profile

Elizabeth’s clients are twenty-something to seventy-something, with the majority from 30 to 45. They are people from across North America and from all walks of life who want to move their lives forward in a meaningful and financially rewarding way. They are hard working, open to learning and recognize that change has value.

Are you…

a creative professional seeking motivation?
a woman struggling to balance home and work?
a man seeking more meaningful relationships?
an entrepreneur facing start up challenges?
an executive managing advancement?

No matter who you are, you will benefit from growing your leadership skills.
With our unique blend of coaching, business and therapeutic expertise we can help in specific ways with a customized approach. Learn how life leadership coaching works.
Don’t just take our word for it. See what Elizabeth’s clients have to say and how they benefited from her life leadership coaching. Read client testimonials.

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“She helped me find ways to heal my extreme physical weakness and go through and transform tremendous emotional grief in a few months time – I am now steadily improving my health and inner peace.”
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“Leadership is not an exclusive club for those who were “born with it.” The traits that are the raw materials of leadership can be acquired.”

– John C. Maxwell